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Me Studer Cécé David
Avocat Studer Cece David , Avocat à Geneve , aide juridique en ligne
Me Studer Cécé David
Avenue Henri-Dunant 2
1205 Genève

Social welfare, health and employment
Public law
Dispute settlement
Natural persons and family law
Commercial law
Non-specialised lawyer
Criminal law and infractions to road traffic regulations

Me Studer calls you to answer your legal questions. This telephone consultation allows you to obtain concrete and quick answers to the question you are asking.

Response time: 12h

Talk time: 15 minutes

Ask for a call back CHF 100.-

Me Studer responds in writing to your question on the basis of the information provided. You can also attach a document to give more details about your situation.

Response time: 48h

Consult in writing CHF 100.-

Consult in writing CHF 150.-
(With document)

Me Studer welcomes you to his office to give you well-informed legal advice and answer all your questions.

Response time: 24h

Duration of the appointment: 25 minutes

Make an appointment CHF 60.-

Me Studer answers your questions in real time via our highly secure instant messaging service.

Online chat CHF 3.- (Per min.)

Presentation of Maître Studer

Dieng & Studer Law pratique notamment dans les domaines d’activités suivants: Droit international public, droit international privé ; Droit international public, droit international privé ; Conseil gouvernemental, communication politique ; Droit des personnes et de la famille (contrat de mariage, partenariat enregistré, régimes matrimoniaux, mesures protectrices de l’union conjugale, séparation, divorce national et international, modification de jugements, enlèvement international d’enfants, droit des successions ; Droit de l’immobilier, droits réels, du bail à loyer ( aménagement du territoire, autorisations de construire, expropriations, promotions immobilières, conflits de voisinage, propriété par étage, bail à loyer ) ; Droit de la responsabilité civile et des assurances ( erreurs médicales, indemnisation des victimes d’accidents de la route, du travail, du sport ou domestiques ) ; Droit des assurances sociales ( assurance-maladie, accidents, invalidité, chômage, prévoyance professionnelle, litige avec l’Office cantonal des assurances sociales, AI, OCAS, OCAI ) ; Droit du travail ( litiges employés-employeurs ; contrats ; procédure prud’homale, prud’homme ) ; Droit des poursuites, faillite et concordat (société) ; Droit de la circulation routière ( homicides, lésions corporelles, contraventions, retrait de permis de conduire, RC automobile ) ; Droit pénal et entraide judicaire en matière pénale ( plainte, défense en justice, violence conjugale, aide aux victimes d’infractions, commissions rogatoires internationales )

Expertise of Maître Studer

Social welfare, health and employment

  • Victims, civil liability, insurance
  • Medical and health law
  • Labour and social security law

Public law

  • Debt enforcement and bankruptcy law
  • Administrative law, migration law

Dispute settlement

  • Civil and administrative procedures

Natural persons and family law

  • Marriage, divorce, filiation, family obligations

Commercial law

  • Contracts, companies, commercial relations
  • Property law: purchase and sales, lease, town planning, construction, land rights

Non-specialised lawyer

  • Non-specialised lawyer

Criminal law and infractions to road traffic regulations

  • Criminal law and infractions to road traffic regulations


Monday: 08:30-12:30 14:00-18:30
Tuesday: 08:30-12:30 14:00-18:30
Wednesday: 08:30-12:30 14:00-18:30
Thursday: 08:30-12:30 14:00-13:00
Friday: 08:30-12:30 14:00-18:30